Monday, February 19, 2007


Well I have been crazy busy, but this week shouldn't be bad.
Um, I'm blank!............
Man, I can't wait until we're all back to blogging more often again. We're definitely too busy sometimes, but it sure is a fun break in the day to spend some time with y'all in conversation and sharing our "brag" pictures! LOL! Thank you all for putting up such awesome pics of yourselves at your weddings....They were so pretty!
I don't know about y'all but I sure look different in my wedding pic compared to know...about 20 pounds different...ha ha! Just the time that I think that my diet is kicking in then I start P.M.S.!
It's a freak of nature I tell ya! An absurd glitch in our bodies that make us insane people to be around. EXAMPLE- Last night I was holding Jason's hand and telling him that I loved him and he said (this is funny) "I know, but you won't next week", I looked at him like he lost his mind and asked why he would say such a thing.....he said, "well, your about to start your period and then you may change your mind!!!!" LOL! I thought that y'all would get a kick out of this! i told you it was a freak of nature!


Amber said...

Hey Rach....
that is funny, but so true! I hear ya girl, we go wack-o when that evil 'thing' enter's us for a week or so! LOL But sounds like your Hubby know's ya! :)
Yes, I think it'll be great when everybody get's around to blogg'n again, and the sickness LEAVES the earth till next winter season. -ha

Amanda said...

Hiya!! Thanks for the adorable pictures...those are wonderful. I think you should post a wedding pic too - even if it's a picture of a picture. We'd still love to see it.

Love ya!