Thursday, September 21, 2006

Amanda, just for you I turned off my word verification. But, I'll warn you that I may become insecure without it on ;-( (ha ha)


Amanda said...

HA HA HA!! Thank you so much! You're so sweet! I'm in a real hurry here. But thought I'd post real quick & tell ya'll sorry I didn't have time to call today! I gotta fix supper and get ready to ya!


Terry said...

Dear Rachel...I turned mine off too and you know what? I find that I am getting more comments now!!Ha!! People are just too lazy to do all that spelling, unless they are really dedicated to that person. Then, I guess it is worth it!!
Thanks for visiting my blog!!....Love Terry

Amanda said...

Hey!! Are you calling me lazy???? Those letters are hard to see all crazy and wacky in their wierd little crooked box. I have a terrible time seeing them and guessing the right letters - it has nothing to do with being LAZY!! Goodness...