Monday, April 16, 2007

Hello!!! ;-)

WOW! I'm going to be busy this next few months, but it will all be such a blessing>you will most likely have to remind me of that comment when I'm screaming for sympathy in a month or so! LOL!
Brooke is going to be 5 in less than a month!!!
Man, I didn't think that she would make it to this day...ha!ha!;-)
She has become so grown up lately. She's very helpful and she really seems like she is ready to learn how to read and she is already asking for her School to start! I keep having to tell her she has to wait till September....Poor baby!
Man, to think that by the end of '07 I will have a 7, 5, 3, and 2 year old! That makes me so happy. I am very proud of my kids.
While doing school today Jess said that she really likes it , but that she didn't use to....THAT is an understatement. She is being very easy on me...I was very prego and not very easy to live with and we were attempting to learn how to read...PURE INSANITY! If ever you home school just have fun, don't stress you or your kids out. It is never worth it. It broke my heart when Jess wasn't enjoying school. Well, I can only hope and PRAY (daily) that out of all the lessons that I will have to learn in school that at least I won't have to relearn that one.
Babysitting went really well! and starting the 30th I will do it 5 days a week.
Pray for me. I am also trying to still keep up with a daily devotion...pray that I don't let things get in the way of that.
Brooke is having Surgery on May 9th! I didn't realize that it happens to be the day before her birthday...yikes! If she were any older she would really be unhappy with me for that little "glitch"!
She is going to have Tubes put in her ears to help reduce the fluid build up in her middle ear and she might also need her adenoids removed?!
Pray for her that it goes VERY well.
Dusty is not only taking Breathing treatments twice a day but now he will also have to be on Allergy meds temp. until we can get him over this and hopefully he will just grow out of it!.
Jay and I have known of a lot of people who have gone through separated marriages and we have been talking a lot about it. Asking questions...Why did this happen?...How did this happen?...Could it have been avoided?...
and then realizing that this can happen to anybody! WOW! what a thought!
If we let it, then it can be a scary thought, but God desires us to have AWESOME marriages and he desires for us to put HIM first and when we put God first then He will be controller of our marriage and He will work at it daily and give us a Godly and passionate marriage. This is a very attainable goal . God made us both to be helpers to each other and BEST friends and spiritual mates.
As Jay put it to a friend of ours, when counseling him about marriage, he said that "intimacy" is only a BONUS not the complete package to marriage! Isn't God great to give us something so special that it can equally be enjoyed and yet it's so sad that we can let the same thing control our life and become a sinful tool used to disobey God. Intimacy is Powerful and when given to your friend&spouse it can be so amazingly wonderful...why do we want the wicked desires of the world ..the desires that conflict with God and cause splits in the marriage (whether by divorce or by destroying trust)? Why do we want the desires that will pass? Why are we so selfish? We cannot(spiritually) blame each other for committing adultery! When you commit adultery you are sinning to God! You cannot blame your spouse! If you have troubles then they need to be openly discussed and dealt with and if you don't, then the one who offends is 100% in the wrong. It amazes me how many knit-wit Pastors are counseling these couples (whether men or women) that it is not there fault but the other person is to blame for "blah-blah-blah" reasons! Whether for praise, salvation, sin, or whatever you can think of, God has always dealt with the individual! He didn't blame Eve wholly for her sin. He let US do the blame game and then HE stepped in and doled out punishment AFTER he individually blamed and punishes each of us!!! That, along with the fact that we are saved and have a personal relationship with God also tells us that God will personally deal with us and individually punish us for our sin, because each and every sin is a sin against God! I don't know if my ramblings have made any sense, but if you have any thought or verses to add then please add it in! I will be looking forward to hearing from you. The bottom line is we should strive to please God and through Him will our other areas of our lives be complete and satisfying!
God bless you all and I will be praying for you all and if you have stories to share then please could help all of us to grow in our marriages!
Love you all

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